Do You Have a Lemon?
If you found 10 things you don't like about your new car but none of them actually makes the car undrivable, then you do not have a lemon.
However, if the brakes don't work, the car won't go into reverse, it won't start on cold mornings or hot afternoons, or the car barely runs at 30 mph when it should be going 50 mph, then you may have a lemon.This of course, only applies if you have given the manufacturer an opportunity to repair it.
In most states, 10 different defects during the warranty period do not constitute that the car is a lemon. In some states, a single defect that might cause serious injury makes your car a lemon if the manufacturer cannot fix the problem within 1 attempt.
You may have a lemon, but if you do nothing to protect your consumer rights, such as keeping track of all repairs and letting the manufacturer have a chance to fix the problem,you could lose
all rights under the various State Warranty Acts. Let’s look at these next.
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