The Facts about Lemon Laws
In most states, the Lemon Law only applies to problems that pop up during the first year or 12,000 miles of ownership. You can obtain the rules and procedures if you need to make a claim under the Lemon Law in your state by calling the administrator of the state which you can find in the phone book.
Once you've established that the manufacturer is going to buy back your car, the battle will switch over and become about the vehicle's value. You want the per-mile charge to be as little as possible so that you can get the most for your money on the return.
The best way that you can guard against getting a lemon in the first place is to buy a car that has a good repair record in the first place. Seems pretty simple right? Well, it can be if you know what to do. Generally you can get an amount of repairs when you submit a VIN number to websites that can check the accident and repair rate for you. I will give you more on that later.